Mental health has become a huge part of sports today, and many athletes have started to share their stories with the world. Even some of the biggest athletes, Such as Simone Biles, have spoken out. Before withdrawing from her gold medal event to focus on her mental health, Biles stated, “It just sucks when you’re fighting with your own head,” Simone Biles has become a large advocate for mental health in athletes and has inspired many around the world.
Morgan’s Message, a non-profit organization, helps shine a light on athletes who experience mental health challenges. Morgan’s Message was made in memory of the Duke Lacrosse player Morgan Rodgers who, in 2014, committed to play D1 lacrosse there, while also earning a well-respected education.
Sophomore year, Morgan started to struggle with anxiety but received professional help and support from her parents and therapists. She then tore her ACL, one of the hardest injuries to come back from, which shattered her dreams of playing further in her college career. This left Morgan feeling lost and without a part of her life, prompting her to start to suffer in silence. After struggling more and more with anxiety Morgan sadly took her life on July 11th, 2019. This hit the lacrosse and sports community by storm and caused teams from high school all the way to the pro level to start having dedication games for Morgan’s Message. With their signature teal butterfly on the backs of t-shirts and their message “Human>Athlete” on signs, Morgan’s Message started to shine a strong light on mental health in the sports community.
On the Morgan’s Message website, Morgan is described as “a beloved daughter, sister, friend and teammate. A tenacious individual, she gave 100 percent of herself to every passion, project and person she encountered. On the field, a talented athlete with relentless drive; in her sketchbook, a gifted artist with keen attention to detail; and in all spaces, a fiercely loyal friend. Her legacy will live on through Morgan’s Message and other athletes who advocate for mental health in sports.