Our community is grateful for…


As a positive way to wrap up this first trimester, I thought it would be nice to hear all the things the community is grateful for. Below are the responses we received :).


Passing every class. (Maybe)

I’m grateful for the opportunities I had this trimester and the time I got to spend with my friends and family.

I am grateful for the opportunities this environment has provided.

My soccer family.

I am grateful that we get some time off.

I am grateful to be able to attend this school.

Dr. Bush in the writing center.

phil and mr park

I am grateful for the opportunities at Pingree!

I am grateful for the upperclassmen showing me around the school

I am very grateful for my parents and my dogs at the end of tri 1 because they helped me through a bunch of things.

That almost all of my assignments are in (unless they’re not due yet)

I am grateful to be at Pingree, and I am looking forward to my next trimesters as well as my next four years here.

One thing I am grateful for at the end of Tri 1 was being able to use pingrees resources and the teacher being helpful.

the opportunities i got to have in the classroom and outside of it

I am grateful for the progress I’ve made making friends.

I’m grateful for how gracious and understanding my students and friends were as my family navigated a challenging time.

I am grateful for Mr. Parker and being such a patient, helpful teacher in Engineering and Physics.

The friends that inspire me

I am grateful for the supportive community.

Our amazing dining staff and the wonderful salad bar and hot lunches we get!

I’m grateful for a wonderful first trimester at a new school!

The help that I have gotten from my teachers

That my older sister is coming home from college.

I am grateful for all of the teachers who have helped me get through this trimester.

The joy I feel everyday working with my amazing students.

i am gratful for the upperclassman who make varsity soccer a blast

Pingree teachers who work so hard and still take the time to write amazing recommendations for college bound seniors.

Michael Mariani

My health

I am grateful for my new friends

A calm work environment

I am grateful for Mr. Burt

The people who make going to school everyday easier.

My friend Tad giving me a ride home so many times.

I’m grateful for Ms Webb and the college advisors for getting the seniors through this first tri

I’m grateful for my advisory group and the fun conversations and laughs we’ve shared.

I am greatful for the writing center that has helped me through my english troubles.

Reading and relaxation

I am grateful for having the opportunity to create good friends that I can do things with and for the fun soccer season I had.

My teachers always being there for me, and to help me whenever I need it.

I am grateful for the amazing opportunities Pingree has to offer academically and socially.

My family for their love and support.

New friends

The salad bar

I am grateful for how helpful teachers and resources have been throughout this trimester!

My friends whom I love

Friendliness and hard work of the dining and B&G staff.

I am so grateful for time with my family and for my colleagues who feel like family!

I am grateful for all the new friends I have made.

My amazing friends and pingree girls soccer

The upperclassmen that took me under their wing

I’m grateful for my amazing coach who’s given me room to improve in my sport.